Equity discussion and community building
Get to know each other
Welcome to the class! It's a real honor and a pleasure to be working with each of you!
Let's get to know each other. Form a circle and respond to the following:
- Name
- School
- Goal for this class
- Something interesting or unique about yourself
The catch is that each person to speak should state the name and interesting fact of each person that came before!
Equity in computer science
Watch a video: Equity in CS education
Check this out: Expanding Computer Science Education to All Students in SFUSD
Did you know...
Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer; and Grace Hopper, the inventor of language-based programming, were female?
Alan Turing, the father of computer science, helped the Allies win World War II but was persecuted by the British Government because he was homosexual?
a black engineer, Jerry Lawson, invented the video game cartridge?
Read more inspirational stories about women in STEM and African-American women in STEM.
Let's talk about equity
Let's form groups and discuss equity in computer science. Here are some questions to talk about:
Do you feel that you've been given an equal exposure to technology in school as other people you know? In other words, which side of the "tech divide" are you on and why?
Do you believe you could get a job in the tech industry when you graduate high school if you wanted to? Why or why not?
Do you have any concerns or fears about learning technology skills you would like to share?
- Growth mindset is the belief that one's abilities aren't fixed, and that through hard work and perseverence, one can improve. Please contrast this mindset with a fixed mindset, which is the belief that one's abilities are set from a young age. On the spectrum between "fixed" and "growth" mindset, where do you see yourself?